KNX IoT Point API stack implementation
oc_api.h File Reference

Main API of the stack for client and server. More...

#include "messaging/coap/oc_coap.h"
#include "oc_buffer_settings.h"
#include "oc_knx.h"
#include "oc_rep.h"
#include "oc_ri.h"
#include "oc_client_state.h"
#include "oc_signal_event_loop.h"
#include "port/oc_storage.h"
#include "api/oc_knx_client.h"
#include "api/oc_knx_swu.h"
#include "oc_programming_mode.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  oc_handler_t
 Call back handlers that are invoked in response to oc_main_init() More...


#define oc_activate_interrupt_handler(name)    (oc_process_start(&(name##_interrupt_x), 0))
 activate the interrupt handler More...
#define oc_define_interrupt_handler(name)
 define the interrupt handler More...
#define OC_MAX_URL_LENGTH   (30)
 maximum URL length (as specified by KNX) More...
#define oc_set_custom_device_property(prop, value)    oc_rep_set_text_string(root, prop, value)
 Set custom device property. More...
#define oc_set_custom_platform_property(prop, value)    oc_rep_set_text_string(root, prop, value)
 Set custom platform property. More...
#define oc_signal_interrupt_handler(name)
 API for setting handlers for interrupts. More...


typedef void(* oc_add_device_cb_t) (void *data)
 Callback invoked during oc_add_device(). More...
typedef void(* oc_factory_presets_cb_t) (size_t device, void *data)
 Callback invoked by the stack initialization to perform any "factory settings", e.g., this may be used to load a manufacturer certificate. More...
typedef void(* oc_hostname_cb_t) (size_t device, oc_string_t host_name, void *data)
 Callback invoked by the stack to set the host name. More...
typedef void(* oc_init_platform_cb_t) (void *data)
 Callback invoked during oc_init_platform(). More...
typedef void(* oc_programming_mode_cb_t) (size_t device, bool programming_mode, void *data)
 Set the programming mode callback NOTE: It is the responsibility of this callback (if registered), to set the programming mode of the device via a call to oc_knx_device_set_programming_mode();. More...
typedef void(* oc_reset_cb_t) (size_t device, int reset_value, void *data)
 Callback invoked by the stack initialization to perform any application reset. More...
typedef void(* oc_restart_cb_t) (size_t device, void *data)
 Callback invoked by the stack to invoke a restart. More...


int oc_add_device (const char *name, const char *version, const char *base, const char *serial_number, oc_add_device_cb_t add_device_cb, void *data)
 Add an a device to the stack. More...
bool oc_add_resource (oc_resource_t *resource)
 Add a resource to the stack. More...
void oc_close_session (oc_endpoint_t *endpoint)
 close the tls session on the indicated endpoint More...
void oc_delayed_delete_resource (oc_resource_t *resource)
 Schedule a callback to remove a resource. More...
bool oc_delete_resource (oc_resource_t *resource)
 Remove a resource from the stack and delete the resource. More...
bool oc_do_delete (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, const char *query, oc_response_handler_t handler, oc_qos_t qos, void *user_data)
 Issue a DELETE request to delete a resource. More...
bool oc_do_get (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, const char *query, oc_response_handler_t handler, oc_qos_t qos, void *user_data)
 issues a get request with accept-content CBOR More...
bool oc_do_get_ex (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, const char *query, oc_response_handler_t handler, oc_qos_t qos, oc_content_format_t content, oc_content_format_t accept, void *user_data)
 Issue a GET request to obtain the current value of all properties a resource. More...
bool oc_do_multicast_update (void)
 initiate the multi-cast update More...
bool oc_do_observe (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, const char *query, oc_response_handler_t handler, oc_qos_t qos, void *user_data)
 Dispatch a GET request with the CoAP Observe option to subscribe for notifications from a resource. More...
bool oc_do_post (void)
 Dispatch the CoAP POST request wiht content type and accept type CBOR. More...
bool oc_do_post_ex (oc_content_format_t content, oc_content_format_t accept)
 Dispatch the CoAP POST request. More...
bool oc_do_put (void)
 Dispatch the CoAP PUT request wiht content type and accept type CBOR. More...
bool oc_do_put_ex (oc_content_format_t content, oc_content_format_t accept)
 Dispatch the CoAP PUT request. More...
bool oc_do_wk_discovery_all (const char *uri_query, int scope, oc_discovery_all_handler_t handler, void *user_data)
 Discover all servers that have a resource type using the site-local scope. More...
void oc_free_server_endpoints (oc_endpoint_t *endpoint)
 Free a list of endpoints from the oc_endpoint_t. More...
bool oc_get_diagnostic_message (oc_client_response_t *response, const char **msg, size_t *size)
 retrieve the diagnostic payload from a response More...
int oc_get_query_value (oc_request_t *request, const char *key, char **value)
 Get a pointer to the start of the value in a URL query parameter key=value pair. More...
bool oc_get_request_payload_raw (oc_request_t *request, const uint8_t **payload, size_t *size, oc_content_format_t *content_format)
 retrieve the payload from the request, no processing More...
bool oc_get_response_payload_raw (oc_client_response_t *response, const uint8_t **payload, size_t *size, oc_content_format_t *content_format)
 retrieve the response payload, without processing More...
void oc_ignore_request (oc_request_t *request)
 Ignore the request. More...
void oc_indicate_separate_response (oc_request_t *request, oc_separate_response_t *response)
 Respond to an incoming request asynchronously. More...
bool oc_init_multicast_update (oc_endpoint_t *mcast, const char *uri, const char *query)
 initialize the multicast update More...
int oc_init_platform (const char *mfg_name, oc_init_platform_cb_t init_platform_cb, void *data)
 Initialize the platform. More...
bool oc_init_post (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, const char *query, oc_response_handler_t handler, oc_qos_t qos, void *user_data)
 Prepare the stack to issue a POST request. More...
bool oc_init_put (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, const char *query, oc_response_handler_t handler, oc_qos_t qos, void *user_data)
 Prepare the stack to issue a PUT request. More...
void oc_init_query_iterator (void)
 This resets the query iterator to the start of the URI query parameter. More...
int oc_iterate_query (oc_request_t *request, char **key, size_t *key_len, char **value, size_t *value_len)
 Iterate through the URI query parameters and get each key=value pair. More...
bool oc_iterate_query_get_values (oc_request_t *request, const char *key, char **value, int *value_len)
 Iterate though the URI query parameters for a specific key. More...
int oc_lf_get_entry_param (const char *payload, int payload_len, int entry, const char *param, const char **p_out, int *p_len)
 link format parser, retrieve a parameter value More...
int oc_lf_get_entry_uri (const char *payload, int payload_len, int entry, const char **uri, int *uri_len)
 link format parser, retrieve the URL of an entry. More...
int oc_lf_number_of_entries (const char *payload, int payload_len)
 link format parser, retrieve the number of entries in a response More...
int oc_main_init (const oc_handler_t *handler)
 Register and call handler functions responsible for controlling the stack. More...
oc_clock_time_t oc_main_poll (void)
 poll to process tasks More...
void oc_main_shutdown (void)
 Shutdown and free all stack related resources. More...
oc_resource_toc_new_resource (const char *name, const char *uri, uint8_t num_resource_types, size_t device)
 Allocate and populate a new oc_resource_t. More...
int oc_notify_observers (const oc_resource_t *resource)
 Notify all observers of a change to a given resource's property. More...
int oc_query_value_exists (oc_request_t *request, const char *key)
 Checks if a query parameter 'key' exist in the URL query parameter. More...
bool oc_query_values_available (oc_request_t *request)
 Checks if a query parameter are available. More...
void oc_remove_delayed_callback (void *cb_data, oc_trigger_t callback)
 used to cancel a delayed callback More...
void oc_resource_bind_content_type (oc_resource_t *resource, oc_content_format_t content_type)
 set the content type on the resource More...
void oc_resource_bind_dpt (oc_resource_t *resource, const char *dpt)
 Add a Data Point Type "dpt" property to the resource. More...
void oc_resource_bind_resource_interface (oc_resource_t *resource, oc_interface_mask_t iface_mask)
 Add the supported interface(s) to the resource. More...
void oc_resource_bind_resource_type (oc_resource_t *resource, const char *type)
 Add a Resource Type "rt" property to the resource. More...
void oc_resource_make_public (oc_resource_t *resource)
 Expose unsecured coap:// endpoints (in addition to secured coaps:// endpoints) for this resource in /well-known/core. More...
void oc_resource_set_discoverable (oc_resource_t *resource, bool state)
 Specify if a resource can be found using .well-known/core discover mechanisms. More...
void oc_resource_set_function_block_instance (oc_resource_t *resource, uint8_t instance)
 set a resource to a specific function block instance default is instance 0, if there is just 1 instance of the function block this function does not have to be called. More...
void oc_resource_set_observable (oc_resource_t *resource, bool state)
 Specify that a resource should notify clients when a property has been modified. More...
void oc_resource_set_periodic_observable (oc_resource_t *resource, uint16_t seconds)
 The resource will periodically notify observing clients of is property values. More...
void oc_resource_set_properties_cbs (oc_resource_t *resource, oc_get_properties_cb_t get_properties, void *get_props_user_data, oc_set_properties_cb_t set_properties, void *set_props_user_data)
 sets the callback properties for set properties and get properties More...
void oc_resource_set_request_handler (oc_resource_t *resource, oc_method_t method, oc_request_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
 Specify a request_callback for GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods. More...
void oc_send_cbor_response (oc_request_t *request, oc_status_t response_code)
 Called after the response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE call has been prepared completed. More...
void oc_send_cbor_response_with_payload_size (oc_request_t *request, oc_status_t response_code, size_t payload_size)
 Called after the response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE call has been prepared completed. More...
void oc_send_diagnostic_message (oc_request_t *request, const char *msg, size_t msg_len, oc_status_t response_code)
 send a diagnostic payload More...
void oc_send_empty_separate_response (oc_separate_response_t *handle, oc_status_t response_code)
 Called to send the deferred response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE request, with an empty payload. More...
void oc_send_json_response (oc_request_t *request, oc_status_t response_code)
 Called after the response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE call has been prepared completed. More...
void oc_send_linkformat_response (oc_request_t *request, oc_status_t response_code, size_t response_length)
 Called after the response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE call has been prepared completed. More...
bool oc_send_ping (bool custody, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint, uint16_t timeout_seconds, oc_response_handler_t handler, void *user_data)
 send CoAP ping over the TCP connection More...
void oc_send_response (oc_request_t *request, oc_status_t response_code)
 Called after the response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE call has been prepared completed, will respond with CBOR. More...
void oc_send_response_no_format (oc_request_t *request, oc_status_t response_code)
 Called after the response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE call has been prepared completed. More...
void oc_send_response_raw (oc_request_t *request, const uint8_t *payload, size_t size, oc_content_format_t content_format, oc_status_t response_code)
 send the request, no processing More...
void oc_send_separate_response (oc_separate_response_t *handle, oc_status_t response_code)
 Called to send the deferred response to a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE request. More...
void oc_set_delayed_callback (void *cb_data, oc_trigger_t callback, uint16_t seconds)
 Schedule a callback to be invoked after a set number of seconds. More...
void oc_set_delayed_callback_ms (void *cb_data, oc_trigger_t callback, uint16_t miliseconds)
 Schedule a callback to be invoked after a set number of miliseconds. More...
void oc_set_factory_presets_cb (oc_factory_presets_cb_t cb, void *data)
 Set the factory presets callback. More...
void oc_set_hostname_cb (oc_hostname_cb_t cb, void *data)
 Set the host name callback. More...
void oc_set_programming_mode_cb (oc_programming_mode_cb_t cb, void *data)
 Set the programming mode callback. More...
void oc_set_reset_cb (oc_reset_cb_t cb, void *data)
 Set the reset callback. More...
void oc_set_restart_cb (oc_restart_cb_t cb, void *data)
 Set the restart callback. More...
void oc_set_separate_response_buffer (oc_separate_response_t *handle)
 Set a response buffer for holding the response payload. More...
void oc_stop_multicast (oc_client_response_t *response)
 stop the multicast update (e.g. More...
bool oc_stop_observe (const char *uri, oc_endpoint_t *endpoint)
 Unsubscribe for notifications from a resource. More...

Detailed Description

Main API of the stack for client and server.

Definition in file oc_api.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define OC_MAX_URL_LENGTH   (30)

maximum URL length (as specified by KNX)

Definition at line 108 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_set_custom_device_property

#define oc_set_custom_device_property (   prop,
)     oc_rep_set_text_string(root, prop, value)

Set custom device property.

The purpose is to add additional device properties that are not supplied to oc_add_device() function call. This function will likely only be used inside the oc_add_device_cb_t().

[in]propthe name of the custom property being added to the device
[in]valuethe value of the custom property being added to the device
See also
oc_add_device_cb_t for example code using this function

Definition at line 502 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_set_custom_platform_property

#define oc_set_custom_platform_property (   prop,
)     oc_rep_set_text_string(root, prop, value)

Set custom platform property.

The purpose is to add additional platform properties that are not supplied to oc_init_platform() function call. This function will likely only be used inside the oc_init_platform_cb_t().

[in]propthe name of the custom property being added to the platform
[in]valuethe value of the custom property being added to the platform
See also
oc_init_platform_cb_t for example code using this function

Definition at line 541 of file oc_api.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ oc_add_device_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_add_device_cb_t) (void *data)

Callback invoked during oc_add_device().

The purpose is to add any additional device properties that are not supplied to oc_add_device() function call.


static void set_device_custom_property(void *data)
oc_set_custom_device_property(purpose, "desk lamp");
static int app_init(void)
int ret = oc_init_platform("My Platform", NULL, NULL);
ret |= oc_add_device("my_name", "1.0.0", "//", "000005", NULL, NULL);
return ret;
int app_init(void)
function to set up the device.
#define oc_set_custom_device_property(prop, value)
Set custom device property.
Definition: oc_api.h:502
int oc_add_device(const char *name, const char *version, const char *base, const char *serial_number, oc_add_device_cb_t add_device_cb, void *data)
Add an a device to the stack.
int oc_init_platform(const char *mfg_name, oc_init_platform_cb_t init_platform_cb, void *data)
Initialize the platform.
[in]datacontext pointer that comes from the oc_init_platform() function
See also

Definition at line 266 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_factory_presets_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_factory_presets_cb_t) (size_t device, void *data)

Callback invoked by the stack initialization to perform any "factory settings", e.g., this may be used to load a manufacturer certificate.

Definition at line 317 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_hostname_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_hostname_cb_t) (size_t device, oc_string_t host_name, void *data)

Callback invoked by the stack to set the host name.

[in]devicethe device index
[in]host_namethe host name to be set
[in]datathe user supplied data

Definition at line 397 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_init_platform_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_init_platform_cb_t) (void *data)

Callback invoked during oc_init_platform().

The purpose is to add any additional platform properties that are not supplied to oc_init_platform() function call.


static int app_init(void)
int ret = oc_init_platform("My Platform",
set_additional_platform_properties, NULL);
ret |= oc_add_device("my_name", "1.0.0", "//", "000005", NULL, NULL);
[in]datacontext pointer that comes from the oc_add_device() function
See also

Definition at line 238 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_programming_mode_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_programming_mode_cb_t) (size_t device, bool programming_mode, void *data)

Set the programming mode callback NOTE: It is the responsibility of this callback (if registered), to set the programming mode of the device via a call to oc_knx_device_set_programming_mode();.

[in]devicethe device index
[in]programming_modewhether to set the programming mode to true or false
[in]datathe user supplied data

Definition at line 427 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_reset_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_reset_cb_t) (size_t device, int reset_value, void *data)

Callback invoked by the stack initialization to perform any application reset.

[in]devicethe device index
[in]reset_valuereset value per KNX
[in]datathe user supplied data

Definition at line 343 of file oc_api.h.

◆ oc_restart_cb_t

typedef void(* oc_restart_cb_t) (size_t device, void *data)

Callback invoked by the stack to invoke a restart.

[in]devicethe device index
[in]datathe user supplied data

Definition at line 367 of file oc_api.h.

Function Documentation

◆ oc_add_device()

int oc_add_device ( const char *  name,
const char *  version,
const char *  base,
const char *  serial_number,
oc_add_device_cb_t  add_device_cb,
void *  data 

Add an a device to the stack.

This function is typically called as part of the stack initialization process from inside the init callback handler.

The oc_add_device function may be called as many times as needed. Each call will add a new device to the stack with its own port address. Each device is automatically assigned a number starting with zero and incremented by one each time the function is called. This number is not returned therefore it is important to know the order devices are added.


//app_init is an instance of the `init` callback handler.
static int app_init(void)
int ret = oc_init_platform("Refrigerator", NULL, NULL);
ret |= oc_add_device("my_name", "1.0", "//",
"0123456", NULL, NULL);
return ret;
[in]namethe user readable name of the device
[in]versionThe api version e.g. "1.0.0"
[in]basethe base url e.g. "/"
[in]serial_numberthe serial number of the device
[in]add_device_cbcallback function invoked during oc_add_device(). The purpose is to add additional device properties that are not supplied to oc_add_device() function call.
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_add_device_cb_t
  • 0 on success
  • -1 on failure
See also

Referenced by app_init().

◆ oc_init_platform()

int oc_init_platform ( const char *  mfg_name,
oc_init_platform_cb_t  init_platform_cb,
void *  data 

Initialize the platform.

This function is typically called as part of the stack initialization process from inside the init callback handler.

[in]mfg_namethe name of the platform manufacture
[in]init_platform_cbcallback function invoked during oc_init_platform(). The purpose is to add additional device properties that are not supplied to oc_init_platform() function call.
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_init_platform_cb_t
  • 0 on success
  • -1 on failure
See also

Referenced by app_init().

◆ oc_main_init()

int oc_main_init ( const oc_handler_t handler)

Register and call handler functions responsible for controlling the stack.

This will initialize the stack.

Before initializing the stack, a few setup functions may need to be called before calling oc_main_init those functions are:

Not all of the listed functions must be called before calling oc_main_init.

[in]handlerstruct containing pointers callback handler functions responsible for controlling the application
  • 0 if stack has been initialized successfully
  • a negative number if there is an error in stack initialization
See also

◆ oc_main_poll()

oc_clock_time_t oc_main_poll ( void  )

poll to process tasks

  • time for the next poll event

◆ oc_main_shutdown()

void oc_main_shutdown ( void  )

Shutdown and free all stack related resources.

◆ oc_set_factory_presets_cb()

void oc_set_factory_presets_cb ( oc_factory_presets_cb_t  cb,
void *  data 

Set the factory presets callback.

The factory presets callback is called by the stack to enable per-device presets.

oc_set_factory_presets_cb() must be called before oc_main_init().
[in]cboc_factory_presets_cb_t function pointer to be called
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_factory_presets_cb_t the pointer must be a valid pointer till after oc_main_init() call completes.

◆ oc_set_hostname_cb()

void oc_set_hostname_cb ( oc_hostname_cb_t  cb,
void *  data 

Set the host name callback.

The host name callback is called by the stack when the host name needs to be set

oc_set_hostname_cb() must be called before oc_main_init().
[in]cboc_hostname_cb_t function pointer to be called
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_restart_cb_t the pointer must be a valid pointer till after oc_main_init() call completes.

◆ oc_set_programming_mode_cb()

void oc_set_programming_mode_cb ( oc_programming_mode_cb_t  cb,
void *  data 

Set the programming mode callback.

The programming mode callback is called by the stack to enable per-device setting of the programming mode on application level.

oc_set_programming_mode_cb() must be called before oc_main_init().
[in]cboc_programming_mode_cb_t function pointer to be called
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_programming_mode_cb_t the pointer must be a valid pointer till after oc_main_init() call completes.

◆ oc_set_reset_cb()

void oc_set_reset_cb ( oc_reset_cb_t  cb,
void *  data 

Set the reset callback.

The reset callback is called by the stack to enable per-device reset on application level.

oc_set_reset_cb() must be called before oc_main_init().
[in]cboc_reset_cb_t function pointer to be called
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_reset_cb_t the pointer must be a valid pointer till after oc_main_init() call completes.

◆ oc_set_restart_cb()

void oc_set_restart_cb ( oc_restart_cb_t  cb,
void *  data 

Set the restart callback.

The restart callback is called by the stack to enable per-device reset on application level.

Implemented by the stack:

  • reset of the programming mode (e.g. turn it off)
The restart function is not restarting the device.
oc_set_restart_cb() must be called before oc_main_init().
[in]cboc_restart_cb_t function pointer to be called
[in]datacontext pointer that is passed to the oc_restart_cb_t the pointer must be a valid pointer till after oc_main_init() call completes.