Building on Windows


This page describes Getting Started with KNX IoT Point API development on Windows. The build system enviroment is Cmake, so one can use:

  • Visual Studio
  • nmake (from the commandline)


  • Windows (10) machine
  • Installed software:
    • git
    • Visual Studio
    • cmake
      • Python

Installing the dependencies

You can skip this section if you already have all the dependencies.


git can be obtained from:

  • Download the file that is appropriate for your machine

    example: 64-bit Git for Windows Setup

  • Install the software (e.g. run the downloaded installer)

one should now have windows explorer integration to:

  • Git Gui Here (to push data)
  • Git Bash Here (a bash shell for commandline git)


CMake has the following dependencies that needs to be installed:

  • Python
  • cmake itself


Building and configuring wxWidgets with CMake requires Python.

If Python is not installed then install it via a Windows installer available at:

To check if Python is installed:

# do in a bash window (e.g. Git bash)
which python
# result should be
# <some path>/python

Visual Studio

download Visual Studio from :

Install the package which includes C++ (Desktop development with C++).

Cmake information

More information on Cmake and Visual Studio can be found here.

Build steps

  1. Make sure you have the full environment installed
    1. git
    2. Visual Studio with C++
    3. CMake
  2. Getting the code clone the repo to a local folder

    From GitHub:

    # do from your working folder
    git clone --recurse-submodules
    # do cd into the created folder

    or from GitLab:

    # do from your working folder
    git clone --recurse-submodules
       # do cd into the created folder
    cd knx-iot-point-api-public-stack
  3. Build the code with Visual Studio

    • Open Visual Studio
      • Open cmake project by:

      • File -> Open -> Cmake


      • Select the CMakefile.txt from the working folder <working folder>\KNX-IOT_STACK or <working folder>\ knx-iot-point-api-public-stack
      • Wait until Visual Studio prepared the project
  4. Use Visual Studio to build the executables:

    • Build -> Build All (Ctrl+shift+B)

    • The executables are created in the project.

    The executables can be found in folder: \KNX-IOT-STACK\out\build\x64-Debug

    Note: The actual path of the executables is dependent on the Visual Studio configuration.

  5. Debug an application

    • Select Startup Item -> down button
      • Select item (for example: LSSB_minimal_all.exe) SelectItem

      • Press the debug symbol (green “play button”), or F5
      • A commandline window will appear with the logging of the KNX application

Build architecture

The Build architecture (win32 or x86) is dependent on the Visual Studio installation.